Posts Tagged ‘Monckton’

Obama “Birth Certificate” a Forgery: Mathematical Proof

November 9, 2012

I honesty thought that this blog would be over on election day 2012 when  Obama would be voted out of office, not because of his ineligibility as should have happened years ago, but because of his dismal record. However, the issue of his Constitutional ineligibility is once again in play since his re-election, and now mathematical expert Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, former advisor to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, has released a sworn affidavit that the “birth certificate” released by the White House for Obama is definitely a forgery.

photo credit — WND

Lord Monckton, educated at Cambridge University, using probability analysis, explains in his affidavit in simple language how the chance of the numerous anamolies found in Obama’s “birth certificate” by forensic experts being accidental is astronomically high — on the order of 1 in 75 sextillion. In other words, impossible; the document is without a doubt a forgery. (See the affidavit, link below.)

Lord Monckton gave his affidavit at the request of the attorney for the plaintiff in one of the many cases that have been brought forth challenging Obama’s eligibility under the Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, to be president. Every House member and every Senator in Congress have also been approached and asked to bring up this issue. So far all have refused or have not responded. However, the article says that the issue and the affidavit are going forward. It is still a question if any court will have the courage to look into the issue and allow evidence to be brought forth. None have to date.